February 11, 2009

18 months and WILD!

The babies are now 18 months old! Mom and I took them to the doctor for their check up. What an experience! We completely took over the waiting room. Molly was with us so we were all there-in ALL our glory. Several times all we could do was laugh when one or both babies were rolling around on the floor or licking the front door. It's the kind of laugh where you might wet your pants. I think it's because I knew people were looking at me the way I look at women with triplets. I knew what they were thinking. Or maybe it's because I remember when Molly was a baby. She was always in a smocked dress with her little bow and perfect hair. She didn't like getting her hands dirty and would NEVER have eaten a sucker-it was too sticky. She would sit in my lap and suck on her paci-usually pretty quietly.

Now try to imagine two small, but powerful tornadoes. Those are my twins. They are into and on top of everything! Their half-curly hair (without a bow) was stuck to their faces with tons of static in it from rubbing their heads on the chairs. Lanie had a sucker wrapped around and stuck in the back of her hair. They both were eating all of the snacks I brought-sometimes off of the floor! At times they were all three running around the room squealing in delight or protest. There was back-arching and hair pulling and the occasional bite on the arm or back. Lindy tried to push down another little girl after hugging her. I am surprised they didn't kick us out...or take us back sooner! We were there for almost two hours!

Anyway, it was pretty fun. I think Nana was worn out after that visit! Their doctor was very pleased with their progress. They are both really small for their age. Lanie is in the 20th percentile on weight and Lindy is less than the 5th percentile on her weight. Now we have to think of new, creative ways to get them to gain some weight. They don't like Pediasure. He told us to keep them on the bottle because it was more important that they gain the weight. They really don't prefer the cup yet. Lindy was happy to hear that! They are both doing great-saying new words everyday and running all over the place. They are precious and sweet babies. I am still grateful every time we get a good doctor's report! Isn't God good?!


The Ward Family said...

Hi Lori
I've been stalking your blog for some time now....you amaze me!
I wanted to let you know about Carnation Instant Breakfast (the powder). I use it a lot when I see kiddos not gaining wt as fast as we want them too. You can buy in the breakfast aisle at the grocery store and add it to whole milk. Kids usually prefer the taste over Pediasure b/c it doesn't have that metallic taste from being in a can. Let me know if you need other suggestions!
Have a good valentines day! Your girls are beautiful!

LaTeDa Designs said...

Love the doctors office story. About two weeks ago I took both boys to see the doctor. The waiting room experience sounded about like your - at one point cooper was in the water fountain. After about 20minutes being in the room I just could not take it anymore and ended up walking out. As I did the nurse said...are you leaving? I said YES. She said Why? I said BECAUSE I CANT HANDLE THEM!! I came back the next day and brought my mom along to help.