April 23, 2008

I love this!

Kyle thinks I am a big nerd for posting this picture. I am so excited about it! We have lived in our house now for almost two years and have yet to do any decorating in our bathroom. So far, this room has just been about function...get in-get out-and on to the next thing. But I found this monogram and thought it would look really cool above my bathtub. I absolutely LOVE IT!!! I am so happy and I hope to be able to stay in the tub long enough to enjoy it soon!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ok, I LOVE that! Do you mind sharing where you got it? I have a wall that I've been needing to fill and something like that would be perfect. If you don't mind, just shoot me an email to scarlettluce@yahoo.com when you have time. Your girls are sooo cute by the way. I check in on you guys when I have time. I hope all is well with you.