December 9, 2007

Better than cookies and milk

Many of you know the story of my pregnancy. Most of you probably don't know the details. All of you know what miracles my baby girls are... The day I found out that the twins were going to be girls I also found out there were complications. I tried that day to celebrate the fact that we were getting to have two more little Mollys-even though I was worried sick. So I do what I do best in a crisis-shop. I went by myself and found these onesies and had to have them. That day-even though I didn't know what we were in store for- I dreamed of what my two little identical twins would look like in these silly little t-shirts. These onesies ended up being the ONLY baby things that I bought during the entire pregnancy. The futher the pregnancy went along, the more I would tell myself that maybe there was a chance that I could use the onesies. But I kept them in the closet and sometimes tried to pretend that they weren't there. I would think of them and wish they were already out of my house so that in the event something happened to one or both babies, I wouldn't have to get rid of them. They stayed in the bag with the tags on them until yesterday. I have never had so much fun cutting a tag off of clothing! No one will ever know the joy I feel seeing Lanie and Lindy wearing them. They mean so much more to me than a cute phrase worn by precious babies. To me they mean that God heard me, answered my prayers and blessed my life with two miracles. Those onesies are a reminder to me to hold on, let God do His work, and trust that He's in control. And I am proud to report that yes, they are about to outgrow them already!!!


Unknown said...

Wow, that story is so touching!! Your babies are beautiful little miracles!

elaine said...

i am blinking away the tears...i LOVE the onesies and all they represent!

Gordon Family said...

God is so good. We were told at the end of our pregnancy that Micah might have some problems, but God answered our prayers also.
Where did you get those cute little onies? Was it here in Shreveport?
Jenifer Pierson Gordon

Renwick said...

Your babies are precious. I love the onesies. I tear up every time I see how big the babies are getting because it reminds me how God really works and bless us so much with everything we have.


erin elizabeth said...

OK, I'm doing the (as Oprah calls it) ugly cry! Lori, you story is a great testament to what God can do through patience and prayer!

Rebecca (Sam's wife) said...

what a precious story and testament to God's faithfulness! you have 2 beautiful miracles! loved seeing updates on your life! it does keep getting better. i loved the story about the barbies too! too funny..that is why i am not a fan of bratz..loved it and she looks just like you!
-Rebecca Zellmer now Atcherson

Unknown said...

Lil Sis (you know that!)
You have my bawling and it makes me even more grateful for what I was able to do for Amy and Colby. We are all so blessed by modern medicine and God's grace.
I miss you and think you of everyday!
I am coming home SOON!!
I love you very much!

amy (metz) walker said...

I came across your blog through Elaine's (I found hers on a forwarded email from Whitney Dickens) and had to tell you how incredible (and emotional) that was to read!

It's great to hear you are doing well and that God is answering your prayers!

Amy (Metz) Walker