September 11, 2007


First of all, we found out yesterday that it looks like Lanie will be coming home at the end of this week!! Dr. Whitton says it looks like we will have to split them for a couple of weeks because Lindy is still just too small to go home. He is saying that Lanie will probably come home Friday unless they can find any reason to keep her. I have told him that I want him to keep them together as long as he can!

They are doing well. Lanie is taking a bottle every time she eats and sucks it down in about 7 minutes! Lindy is getting a bottle twice in a row and then they feed her through the feeding tube once. She is doing well with the bottle too. Lindy will probably be in a crib by the end of the week when she is 4 lbs!! I can't believe how fast they are growing...they even have a few teeny fat rolls!

So far, all of the "issues" (which aren't very many), are due just to prematurity. Hopefully they will grow out of them. Please keep praying for their progress. They have done remarkably well considering how early they were. We are thrilled with the way things have turned out and hope that each new milestone in their development checks out okay! Thank you for thinking about them and us and for keeping these two precious girls in your prayers. Our family is so grateful!

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